If you’re getting this, it means we’ve been on a call or met in person, and this means we explained all about our methods. But here’s a quick recap:
Our Shared Mission:
Get you set up with top notch product design, integrated as inhouse within your team, and work with you and your team on designing, shipping, measuring and iterating the product together.
PLG all the way!
What you're getting
Design Sprint Kickoff
Our 2 Day Hero Framework Workshop in which we’ll predict the PMF and Emotional triggers and set our goals.
Onboarded Product Designer to your team
1 Hands-On Designer working as part of the team (to start with) for a 2.5 or 5 day a week contract. The designer will work as an integral part of the team, will deliver to the developers and follow up with them, work on a proper design system, and on any other tasks prioritized.
Ongoing Consultation & Building Proper Processes
You’ll get a bi-monthly strategy call (every 2 Weeks that is) with our Head of UX who will help you set up proper processes in the product team and and Access to us for any strategic consultation regarding the product! Â
A Secret Weapon
With over 15 years of experience in the startup world – you’re getting access to Sagi, his knowledge and frameworks. The way you work on product design will never be the same.Â